Welcome to Kindergarten at St. Paul School!
We had a wonderful first week of school and enjoyed meeting the ‘sweet bunch’ in Kindergarten! In the first week of Gradual Entry, the children met their new friends, explored their new classroom, and learned how to play safely on the playground! We look forward to the second week of Gradual Entry together, where the children will get to know their friends even better and begin to familiarize themselves with our classroom and school routines.
This week at a glance:
- Emergency Pick-Up and Drop-Off form due today
- Group B: 8:45-12:00
- Group A: 12:45-3:00
- Meet the Teacher Night @ 6 pm.
- Please meet at the school gym and come in a few minutes early to pick up the nametag your child has made for you. Friendly reminder that this is a parent-only meeting so please make other arrangements for childcare.
- Group B: 8:45-12:00
- Group A: 12:45-3:00
- Group B: 8:45-12:00
- Group B: 8:45-12:00 (School Mass @ 9:00 am)
- Please wear full uniform (including sweater)
- Group A: 12:45-3:00
- Photo Day for Group A and Group B in the morning
- Please see email for more information
- Group A and B: 8:45-12:00
- Items needed for September due today
- See below for list of items
Friendly Reminders:
- Snack- Please send a nutritious snack (such as fruit or vegetables) as well as a reusable water bottle (please do NOT pack juice boxes). Anything sent to school, will be sent back home to be recycled. Please also ensure that your child is comfortable opening any containers you send and that everything is labeled.
- Allergies– Please do NOT include seafood, peanuts, or any kind of nut as we do have children with severe allergies at our school.
- Pick-Up and Drop-Off- For the safety of the children, this will always be at the ramp leading to the Kindergarten door. Also, please remember to cross at the crosswalk when crossing the front parking lot.
- Label- Please label everything you send to school with your child, especially their school sweater. All children in the school have the same two styles of sweater. If your child has misplaced his/her sweater, please let us know and we will check the classroom and your child’s classmates. We also have a Lost and Found located outside of the school office.
- Shoes– Unless your child is able to tie their own laces, please ensure that their school shoes and runners for gym have a Velcro closure.
- Toys– please be sure to keep any toys or picture books at home so that they don’t get broken or lost at school.
- Absentee Notes– If your child is sick or absent, please email your absentee notice directly to both classroom teachers AND the school office at office@stpaulschool.ca.
- Blog– Please subscribe to our Kindergarten blog and check the school webpage often for important information and updates.
- Class Dojo- This is an online platform where we will be sharing photos of classroom activities and school events. You will also get access to your child’s digital portfolio and see examples of their hard work! If you haven’t connected to our class yet, please check your junk mail, as invitations were sent last week. Let us know if you need a second invitation sent out.
- Money- When sending money to school, please place it in an envelope with your child’s name, grade, and event written clearly on the front.
- Walkathon- Our annual school Walkathon is on Friday, Oct. 1st. The Walkathon raises money for future technology, the music program, and sports equipment. Please continue to raise pledges for our school!
Items Needed for September:
- Proper backpack (please no “rolly” backpacks as they take up too much space in our shared cubby)
- Homework folder (found at Dollarama, Staples, etc. for notices & duo-tangs)
- Please see the attached photo examples (at the bottom) for your reference.
- Lunch Bag
- Water bottle
- Rain boots (to stay at school)
- Rain jacket (to stay at school)
- Runners (to stay at school)
- Extra change of clothes (to stay at school)
- Please make sure to include a shirt, pants, socks and underwear in a large labelled Ziplock bag.
- Decorated cloth bag (to stay at school)
- 16″ x 20″ White Canvas (for a yearlong art project- found at Dollarama, Michaels, etc.)
- Headphones in a labelled, freezer ziplock bag (for the listening center)
- Beach towel or small blanket in a reusable tote bag as it will be kept in your child’s cubby throughout the school year (for quiet time)
- 4”x 6” family photo in a frame (for our classroom)
- 4”x 6” photo of your child (for the school’s birthday wall—no frame, just labelled with their name and birthday on back)
- A box of tissues and small hand sanitizer
A sample of all the items will be available in the Kindergarten classroom. Please have these items at school by Friday.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please e-mail us at jwu@stpaulschool.ca and cguevara@stpaulschool.ca (please remember to email both of us!)
We feel so blessed to be a part of the St. Paul’s community, and are looking forward to having a ‘fruitful’ year together!
With love,
Miss Wu & Miss Guevara