Grade 7

End of Week November 26th 2021 – Looking Ahead to December

Hi Parents,

December is nearly upon us! It is cliche, but it is true when we say, where does the time go?!

Advent News

This past week, the Grade 7 students led our school Mass in which Father Smith blessed the class Advent wreaths. A calendar went home with each student that suggests an action for each day of Advent, which began today! All St. Paul students are encouraged to engage the activities in the calendar. The first action item is to create an advent wreath at home. To accompany each daily action, may I suggest this nightly prayer:

In preparing our hearts to receive our saviour, it is fitting that we will be having our last class Confession on Tuesday November 30th. Students are encouraged to complete their Examination of Conscience (which will be posted in the Christian Education classroom) the night before in order to be appropriately prepared to engage this sacrament.

Our class Advent Party will take place on Thursday December 9th from 12pm-2:00pm in Rooms 1 & 2 of the Parish Centre. Unfortunately, parents will not be able to attend this event, but we will have pictures/video taken and posted 🙂 Thank you to our wonderful Room Parents, Natalia Lam and Belinda Plourde for organizing!

Lastly, information will be coming soon from Ms. Moorehead regarding a special Advent Choral Celebration on December 14th in which the classes of the school will be performing Advent songs. If your child is in Rock Band, you may already know by now some of the songs that will be performed 🙂 – we are excited to share this special event with you!

What’s Kohlrabi?

This past week saw us continue our learning about the scientific method of inquiry using the concept of artificial selection. Students investigated the traits of six different vegetables (kale, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, and kohlrabi), all of which find their origins in the wild mustard plant. While the students recognized the most of these vegetables, many had never heard of kohlrabi and so I took the liberty of roasting kohlrabi I had on hand at home and brought it in the next day for the students to sample. I don’t know if it was the thin layer of parmesan, the hint of cayenne pepper or the novelty of a new food, but the critical reception was mostly positive! Perhaps this is a new addition to your weekly rotation as a side dish??? Who said learning couldn’t be tasty!


As we periodically have activities which involve students listening to audio from their devices, you are encouraged to have your child keep a pair of headphones (basic iPhone headphones are fine) at school.  We have school headphones, but as these are not always reliable and to reduce the sharing of these, having their own set is preferred. Thank you!

Have a wonderful week!

Mr. Kirkham