
April 11-15

As we near the end of our Lenten journey, the children have started discussing the four important days that will take place next week. Together, we learned about Palm Sunday and the children were very excited to make their own palms today! They are doing a great job at keeping their Lenten promises and are working very hard to prepare their hearts for Holy Week.

This Week at a Glance:

Letter of the week: F

Shapes of the week: Rhombus, Trapezoid, and Hexagon

Student of the week: Ella

Show & Tell Theme: My Favourite Book


Show & Tell: Ethan

  • Lenten School Mass @ 8:15 ~ please join us!
  • Empty shoebox and plastic bag due today (please see below)
  • Nova Hot Lunch (for those who ordered)
    • Please bring your own cutlery!
  • PE today
  • French today
  • Library today ~ please return any library books that were not yet brought back as the children will be bringing home a new book today


Show & Tell: Claire

  • Lenten School Mass @ 8:15 ~ please join us!
  • PE today
  • Nature Walk today


Show & Tell: Alyssa

  • Lenten School Mass @ 8:15 ~ please join us!
  • PE today
  • School Assembly led by Grade 4 and 1 @ 1:00 in the gym ~ please join us!
  • Early Dismissal @ 2:00


Show & Tell: Sophia

  • The Last Supper presentation @ 11:00 in the gym ~ please join us!
  • French today


  • No School- Good Friday


  1. 10 to 15 minutes of home reading (please use “My Reading” book, “My Read Well” book, online reading programs, library books, or books from home)
  2. Shoe Box and Bag- Please send an empty shoe box to school, labelled with your child’s name, on Monday. We will be decorating them and the children will use these boxes to collect any cards or treats that are brought in by their friends during our Easter celebration (Tuesday, April 19th). Please also provide a bag so that it’s easier for your child to carry their shoe box once filled!
  3. My Read Well” book– Please review the letter of the week and use the “Parent Prompt” questions (found on the bottom of the page) with your child.
    • If you notice that your child has not finished the back of their Letter Record page in class, please brainstorm with them three words that begin with that letter. Then, have them write down the three words on the dotted lines and draw their corresponding pictures in the blank box.

Friendly Reminders:

  1. Homework folders– These will continue to be sent home every day. Please check the folders daily and send them back to school every day as your child is expected to hand them in each morning.
  2. Lenten School Mass – Reminder that Morning Mass begins at 8:15 am. Please continue to do your best to attend!
  3. Student Led Conferences- Registration for Student Led Conferences opens on Saturday, April 16th. Please see the notice from Ms. Moorehead for more information.
  4. Kindergarten’s Easter Celebration- We are celebrating Easter in Kindergarten on Tuesday, April 19th. You are welcome to, but do not have to, bring a treat to share with your child’s classmates on this day. Keep in mind that we have 29 students in the class and that these treats must be nut-free and individually wrapped.
  5. Scholastic Reading Club– A new Scholastic flyer for April was placed in your child’s homework folder this week! If you would like to order (optional), please enter Kindergarten’s class code RC498336 at checkout so that we can receive rewards for our classroom! Thank you in advance for your support.
  6. Toys – Just a friendly reminder that unless it is your child’s show and tell, please be sure to keep toys at home, so that they don’t get lost or broken at school.

Upcoming Dates:

  1. Monday, April 18th– Easter Monday (No School)
  2. Tuesday, April 19th– Class Photo Day
  3. Tuesday, April 19th– Kindergarten’s Easter Celebration
  4. Thursday, April 21st– White Spot Hot Lunch (for those who ordered)
  5. Friday, April 22nd– Student Led Conferences (No Classes)

Please let us know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.

With love,

Miss Wu & Miss Guevara &