Grade 3


Hello Grade 3 Families!

I hope that you are all having a wonderful weekend! Mine is busy, but I will make up for it afterwards!

The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus will be this coming Friday, June 16th. It is a good time to focus our hearts on receiving and returning His love with gratitude — with all of our heart, soul, and strength — that He may be glorified.

Last week the students started to do their Social Studies project presentations. I’m quite pleased with how well they’ve done so far 🤗💙! They will be completing the rest of the presentations this week. I will post them in their Class Dojo portfolio on the last day of school so that you can see them! This year the presentations are quite different from the previous years… We have several students who will excel when they will be in Grade 7 in the various performances that they will be required to do throughout the year, lol!

Here are the reminders for the week:

Monday ~ June 12th

  • PE
  • Yummy Pizza Hot Lunch

Tuesday ~ June 13th

  • PE

Wednesday ~ June 14th

  • All library books need to be handed in: no more books will be brought home between now and the end of the school year
  • French
  • 1:15 pm ~ Assembly led by Grade 6 & 3 (Yes, that’s us!) You’re welcome to join us
  • 2 pm ~ Dismissal

Thursday ~ June 15th

  • 9:15 ~ Mass led by the Grade 2 students: you’re welcome to join us
  • White Spot Hot Lunch
  • 1 pm ~ Grade 7 Fundraiser Event

Friday ~ June 16th

  • Last day to hand in the Primary Picnic forms
  • 9 am ~ Fun Day Team Meeting
  • French
  • PE

If you have any questions or concerns throughout the school year, please make an appointment to see me or email me at

Have a wonderful week!

Ms. Boily