Garry Point Fun Run Tomorrow!!!

Hi Everyone!

I’m excited to share with you the details of our Garry Point Park Fun Run and Endurance Challenge coming up on Friday October 6, 2023 with St. Joseph the Worker School.  We will gather in our traditional spot in the park, just west of the large parking lot by our school banner.

All participants will wear their St. Paul’s gym strip and running shoes to compete.  Please ensure you have adequate warm clothing, hats, sunscreen etc. to keep warm as you await your race.

Race Times: 1:15 pm – Gr. 7 – 3 laps 1 lap = 1 km
1:30 pm – Gr. 2 – 1 lap Dismissal – 2:15
1:40 pm – Gr. 6 – 3 laps Dismissal – 2:40
1:55 pm – Gr. 3 – 1 lap Dismissal – 2:35
2:05 pm – Gr. 4 – 2 laps Dismissal – 2:45
2:15 pm – Gr. 5 – 2 laps Dismissal – 2:45

Students will depart St. Paul’s @ 12:40 pm on Friday October 6, 2022 and will travel to and from Garry Pt. Park with parent drivers.  Families are responsible for arranging and providing transportation for all participating students.  Carpooling is encouraged.

Students must check-in and check-out with their designated teacher at Garry Pt Park. Families with students in Gr. 1 and Kindergarten may return to the school to pick-up their younger siblings upon completion of the run.  Dismissal from Garry Pt. Park for all students will be completed by 2:45 pm. 

There will be no food or beverages provided at this year’s event. Students will be required to bring adequate food, snacks, and water and plan their eating accordingly with respect to their event time.

We look forward to a great day of competition and camaraderie! Please direct any questions to me at

Mr. K