Dear Grade Four Families,
I hope you had a nice weekend! Last week, the students started working hard on their animal inquiry and I look forward to continuing the project this week. Check-in with them on the animal they chose and have them share a few facts they learned with you!
Please look out for the permission form for the Vancouver Aquarium field trip, it will be sent home this week. Please return it signed as soon as possible. Thank you to all the parents who put their name forth to volunteer for the field trip. Due to the large number of volunteers, I am going to do a live draw with the students tomorrow. I will send an email home to those picked afterwards.
Here are the updates for this week:
- PE
- Yummy Pizza hot lunch serving
- French
- No PE
- PE
- Library books returned
- Dismissal at 2pm
- School Mass at 9:15
- Please remember school sweater
- Gr. 4 to lead
- PE instead of Music
- French Haunted House due
- Permission form for Aquarium due
- No School – Professional Development Day
Please email me at if you need to contact me at any time!
Miss Meyer