Hello Grade Five Families!
Happy Lunar New Year to all who are celebrating this weekend! I wish you a year of joy, health and prosperity!
Please note the following for this short school week:
- return library books
- PE class ~ PE strip is needed
- Yummy Pasta hot lunch for those who ordered ~ please send cutlery with your child as usual
- dress down day for Valentine’s Day ~ students may come to school wearing red, pink, and white clothes
- if your child is planning to bring Valentine’s Day treats for their classmates, please send them today
Wednesday ~ Ash Wednesday
- please join us for Ash Wednesday Mass at 11:00am
- there will be no PE class for Grade Five today because we will be at Mass
- no school
- no school
Please email me at nkelly@stpaulschool.ca if you have any questions, concerns or information to share.
Have a super week!
Mrs. Kelly 🙂