Re-registration Due Tomorrow

Dear St. Paul Families, Re-registration for school year 2018-2019 is due tomorrow, Wednesday, February 7th , by 4:00 pm.      If you are sending the re-registration through your child, please make sure you complete all forms and enclosed the necessary supporting documents needed for re-registration.  Late registration will result in and be considered withdrawal of the student from St. […]

School Closed for Winter Break


Registration for School Year 2018-2019

New Parent Information Night! Tuesday, February 06, 2018 at 7pm in the gym. An invitation to families who are interested in sending their child/children to St. Paul School. Application forms will be available during this time. The meeting is intended for adults only.  You are respectfully requested to make arrangements for childcare. Thank you. St. […]

Remembrance Day Assembly: Friday, Nov. 10 at 10:45am

Please join us for a special Remembrance Day assembly led by the Grade 7 Class tomorrow morning, Friday, at 10:45am, in the gym. Poppies will be distributed to the students first thing in the morning.  Please send $2 with your child in support of our war heroes. Thank you.

Shoebox Drive for Samaritan’s Purse

Dear St. Paul School Families, As mentioned in our Thursday Letter last week  and as part of sharing our blessings, we are doing the Shoebox Drive for Samaritan’s Purse  this Christmas Season. Please find attached letter and packing guidelines for this wonderful project. On behalf of the staff, thank you! Yours in Faith, Maureen Moorehead

Three Way Conference / Parent -Teacher Discussion (Friday, October 27, 2017)

Start booking your appointment on Friday, Oct. 20th at 9am. Booking instructions attached. Thank you.