Grade 5


Topics to be explored:

  • “Living Our Faith” and being of service to others
  • peaceful problem solving strategies and how emotional regulation affects learning and relationships
  • writing a paragraph to express an opinion with evidence
  • developing reading comprehension skills by using the techniques of questioning the elements of the plot and exploring the transformation of the characters
  • place value, comparing, and estimating using numbers up to 1,000,000
  • reviewing and mastering multiplication facts
  • solving word problems
  • experimenting with solutions and solubility
  • learning about the importance of traditional First Nations’ education practices and the effects of residential schools (in preparation for Orange Shirt Day)
  • fine arts drama games and the art of Vincent Van Gogh

Ways to support learning at home: 

  • practice multiplication facts to 12 x 12
  • encourage your child to read for 15 – 30 minutes each day
  • remind your child to check the Grade 5 Google Classroom for announcements
  • help your child to complete any other work that may be assigned to them for home practice (you will be informed of this via email)