Hello Grade One Families!
It’s Spring Break!! It’s hard to believe we have already gotten to this stage of the school year!
Today was Ms. Carroll’s last day at St. Paul School! We wish Ms. Carroll and her soon-to-be husband Tim a wonderful wedding and a lifetime of happiness. Thank you for all that you did for our Grade 1 family! You will be missed!
Your child has brought home their Lenten Mite Box. Money raised from the Mite boxes is given to the seminarians from the Archdiocese of Vancouver who are currently studying for the priesthood. Please keep the Mite box in a safe place at home, encourage your child(ren) to donate coins throughout Lent, and then return the Mite box to school during Holy Week. This is one way that we will practice almsgiving this Lenten season. We are also asked to pray for the seminarians during Lent that God will bless them in their studies and their vocation. Boxes are due back on Wednesday, March 27th.
Wednesday, March 27th will be class photo day.
Thank you also to all those who have been able to attend the daily 8:15 am morning Mass. The Masses will continue the week we return to school after Spring Break. We encourage everyone who can, to please come to Mass before school. Final morning lenten Mass will be on Wednesday, March 27th.
As part of our community unit, the children took home their Spring Break Scavenger Hunt, a fun homework activity to complete over Spring Break. Please keep an eye out for their folders that were sent home this past week. These will be due back to school on Wednesday, April 3rd.
IAAGFG (I am a Gift from God) – We will begin our program and will be sending home the booklets for the students to work on after Spring Break. Please keep an eye out for emails regarding the lessons due.
And finally, we hope you all have a wonderful, relaxing and fun Spring Break.
Here are some notes for the upcoming week:
Word Study Unit: VCe Review & Exceptions
Heart Words: n/a
Star Student: Andres
Open Parachute Home Unit: Teaching your Child to Say No (new unit!)
- School Reopens
- Lenten Journey Maps Due back
- Triple O’s Hot Lunch (please bring your own cutlery)
- Daily Lenten Mass @ 8:15 am
- PE with Mr. Kelly
- French with Mme. Caprilli
- Daily Lenten Mass @ 8:15 am
- Music with Mr. Kelly
- Library today ~ please be sure to return all library books
- Class photo day
- Mite Boxes Due Today
- Last Daily Lenten Mass @ 8:15 am
- PE with Mr. Kelly
- Buddy Time
- Dismissal @ 2:00 pm
- Last Supper Presentation @ 10:45 am
- Word Study Assessment: VCe Review & Exceptions
- Please return all Home Reading Folders today
- Good Friday (No School)
Looking Ahead:
- Monday, April 1- Easter Monday (No School)
- Wednesday, April 3- Spring Break Community Scavenger Hunt Due
- Thursday, April 4- Mass Led by Grade 1 @ 9:15 am
- Friday, April 5- Fukuroku Hot Lunch (please bring cutlery)
Please email us at kdossantos@stpaulschool.ca and gmallari@stpaulschool.ca, or write us a note in your child’s agenda. Please be sure to check and initial your child’s agenda everyday. Please be sure to include both teachers in all email correspondence.
Mrs. Dos Santos & Mrs. Mallari