Hello Grade One Families!
Can you believe we are almost at Spring Break? Oh how the time flies by when you’re having fun in Grade One!
On Wednesday, the children celebrated Pink Shirt Day. In Grade 1, we focused on kindness in our classroom. We read stories that helped to reinforce the Pink Shirt Day theme of “Lift Each Other Up.” The children also participated in a virtual broadcast across Canada for Pink Shirt Day. They had a wonderful day, and made their very own Pink Shirt Day Promises, where they thought of ways they could be a kind friend and lift each other up everyday.
On Friday we had the privilege of having a visit from Archbishop Miller. The children were excited to see him. We had a special assembly when they sang beautifully for him and enjoyed when he stopped by our class for a little visit!
As part of our community unit, the children will be taking home their Spring Break Scavenger Hunt, a fun homework activity to complete over Spring Break. Please keep an eye out for their folders which will be sent home this week. These will be due back to school on Wednesday, April 3rd.
After Spring Break, the Grade One’s will also be starting the “I’m a Gift from God” program. Please keep an eye on your email for more information.
Here are some notes for the upcoming week:
Word Study Unit: _ge /j/
Heart Words: my & one
Star Student: Paul
Open Parachute Home Unit: Healthy Habits with Social Media
- Daily Lenten Mass @ 8:15 am
- Triple Os’ Hot Lunch (please bring your own cutlery)
- Socials Inquiry Celebration
- PE with Mr. Kelly
- French with Mme. Caprilli
- Daily Lenten Mass @ 8:15 am
- Music with Mr. Kelly
- Library today ~ please be sure to return all library books
- 100 Day Gallery Walk @ 2:30-2:45 in Room 1 & 2 (Parish Center)
- Daily Lenten Mass @ 8:15 am
- PE with Mr. Kelly
- Buddy Time
- Dismissal @ 2:00 pm
- Spring Break Community Scavenger Hunt & Lenten Journey sent home
- Daily Lenten Mass @ 8:15 am
- French with Mme. Caprilli
- Daily Lenten Mass @ 8:15 am
- Fukuroku Hot Lunch (please bring your own cutlery)
- PE with Mr. Kelly
- Word Study Assessment: _ge /j/
- Please return all Home Reading Folders today (these will stay at school over Spring Break)
- Last day of school before Spring Break (3 pm dismissal)
Looking Ahead:
- March 9-24- Spring Break
- Monday, March 25- School re-opens
- Monday, March 25- Please return Lenten Journey
- Wednesday, April 3- Spring Break Community Scavenger Hunt Due
- Thursday, April 4 – School Mass led by Grade 1 at 9:15am
Please email us at kdossantos@stpaulschool.ca and gmallari@stpaulschool.ca, or write us a note in your child’s agenda. Please be sure to check and initial your child’s agenda everyday. Please be sure to include both teachers in all email correspondence.
Mrs. Dos Santos & Mrs. Mallari