Hello Grade One Families!
We had lots of fun in Grade One this week.
We celebrated Valentine’s Day on Tuesday. The children enjoyed learning about St. Valentine, and giving treats out to their friends.
On Wednesday, we began the Lenten season on Ash Wednesday. Through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, the students will continue to explore the ways they can grow closer to Jesus during Lent. Mite boxes have been sent home. Please see Ms. Griffin’s email for more information.
Thank you to all the families who were able to attend Ash Wednesday Mass today. A reminder that Daily Lenten Mass begins on Tuesday, February 20 at 8:15 am everyday. All students are strongly encouraged to attend Mass together with their school community. There is an area for backpacks, and a reserved section for the students in the front to sit with the teachers. Mass starts at 8:15 am, so please arrive on time. Parents are also welcome and encouraged to stay for Mass too! Please see Ms. Griffin’s email for more information.
We hope you have a wonderful Family Day long weekend, and we will see everyone on Tuesday, February 20 @ 8:15 am at Daily Lenten Mass!
Here are some notes for the upcoming week:
Word Study Unit: u_e /ū/, /yū/
Heart Words: one & once
Star Student: Savanna
Open Parachute Home Unit: Healthy Habits with Social Media
- Family Day (No School)
- First Daily Lenten Mass @ 8:15 am
- Triple O’s Hot Lunch (please bring your own cutlery)
- Music with Mr. Kelly
- Library today ~ please be sure to return all library books
Wednesday (100 days of school)
- Daily Lenten Mass @ 8:15 am
- 100 Day of School Celebration & Projects Due
- Pizza Lunch for Joyce’s Birthday
- PE class
- Buddy Time
- Dismissal @ 2:00 pm
- Daily Lenten Mass @ 8:15 am
- French with Mme. Caprilli
- Daily Lenten Mass @ 8:15 am
- Fukuroku Hot Lunch (please bring your own cutlery)
- Word Study Assessment: u_e /ū/, /yū/
- Please return all Home Reading Folders today
Looking Ahead:
- Monday, February 26- Yummy Pizza Hot Lunch (please bring your own cutlery)
- Monday, February 26- Socials Inquiry Projects Due (please return in folder)
- Wednesday, February 28- Pink Shirt (Anti-Bullying) Day ($2 donation)
- Monday, March 4- Triple Os’ Hot Lunch (please bring your own cutlery)
- Friday, March 8- Fukuroku Hot Lunch (please bring your own cutlery)
- Friday, March 8- Last day of school before Spring Break (3 pm dismissal)
- March 9-24- Spring Break
- Monday, March 25- School re-opens
Please email us at kdossantos@stpaulschool.ca and gmallari@stpaulschool.ca, or write us a note in your child’s agenda. Please be sure to check and initial your child’s agenda everyday. Please be sure to include both teachers in all email correspondence.
Mrs. Dos Santos & Mrs. Mallari