Hello Grade One Families!
Last week, the children learned about Vincent Van Gogh. They learned about Van Gogh’s technique of using colours to communicate feelings and ideas. The Grade One’s made their very own paintings, choosing colours that depicted their feelings! We also had our final UFLI lesson in our digraph unit and next week we will be moving onto our VCe unit. Vowel-consonant-e (VCe) is a spelling pattern in which a silent e at the end of a word signals a change from the short vowel sound to a long vowel sound (e.g., kit → kite). The lessons in this unit are designed to develop students’ skills for reading with words that contain the VCe pattern. The children will also be learning all about St. Paul, as we gear up for our Feast Day on Thursday, January 25th. We look forward to seeing many of you there!
Here are some notes for the upcoming week:
Word Study Unit: a_e /ā/
Heart Words: who & the
Star Student: Sebbie
Open Parachute Home Unit: Teaching Empathy & Accountability
- PE today
- French with Mme. Caprilli
- digraphs review word study assessment
- Home Reading folders sent home
- Music with Mr. Kelly
- Library today ~ please be sure to return all library books before break, or on the first day we return back to school in January.
- Pizza Lunch for Karsten’s Birthday (please bring a separate lunch if you don’t wish to eat pizza)
- PE with Mr. Kelly
- Buddy Time
- Dismissal @ 2:00 pm
- St. Paul Feast Day
- Feast Day Mass led by Grade 5 @ 9:15 am
- Early Dismissal @ 12:45 pm
- Assembly led by Grade 7 & K
- Canella Hot Lunch
- PE with Mr. Kelly
- Word Study Assessment: a_e /ā/
- Please return all Home Reading Folders today
Looking Ahead:
- Monday, January 29- Triple O’s Hot Lunch
- Tuesday, January 30- New Parent Information Night @ 7:00 pm
- Thursday, February 1- Mass led by Grade 3 @ 9:15 am
- Friday, February 2- Fukuroku Hot Lunch (please bring cutlery)
- Friday, February 2- CSL sent home
Please email us at kdossantos@stpaulschool.ca and mcarroll@stpaulschool.ca, or write us a note in your child’s agenda. Please be sure to check and initial your child’s agenda everyday. Please be sure to include both teachers in all email correspondence.
Mrs. Dos Santos & Ms. Carroll