Hello Grade One Families!
As Ms. Griffin wrote in her Thursday letter- As a young man, Paul was known as Saul, and fiercely persecuted any followers of Jesus. On the road to Damascus, Saul was struck down in a blinding light, and in the confusion around him he heard a voice…, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” Saul answered, “Who are you, Sir?” The only answer that came was, “I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting.” After his conversion, Saul became Paul, and launched a tireless missionary career that took him all over the Middle East, and ultimately to Rome. As Father Smith shared in his homily with us this morning, God calls each of us in our daily lives, the same way he called Paul. He wants us to “Go out to all the world and tell the Good News.” (Mk 16:15) In order to respond to such a call we, like St. Paul, need to listen with our hearts and ask, “What must I do?”
On Thursday, we Celebrated St. Paul’s Feast Day as a school community. It was a real celebration and we really enjoyed having the gym full of the student’s family members. The children always love to share their excitement with their families! Thank you to everyone that was able to make it! We are blessed to be part of such a wonderful school community.
A reminder that on Friday the students’ February CSL reports will be sent home. Please read through the report carefully and discuss with your child some goals they have set for themselves for the remainder of the school year. Please fill out your child’s two stars and a wish, and return it to school by Friday, February 9th.
Here are some notes for the upcoming week:
Word Study Unit: i_e /ī/
Heart Words: by & my
Star Student: Shiah
Open Parachute Home Unit: Teaching Empathy & Accountability
- Triple O’s Hot Lunch
- PE with Mr. Kelly
- French with Mme. Caprilli
- Home Reading folders sent home
- Music with Mr. Kelly
- Library today ~ please be sure to return all library books before break, or on the first day we return back to school in January.
- New Parent Information Night @ 7:00 pm
- Re-registration packages due 8:30-3:30
- PE class
- Buddy Time
- Dismissal @ 2:00 pm
- Mass led by Grade 3 @ 9:15 am
- French with Mme. Caprilli
- CSL sent home
- Fukuroku Hot Lunch (please bring cutlery)
- PE with Mr. Kelly
- Word Study Assessment: i_e /ī/
- Please return all Home Reading Folders today
Looking Ahead:
- Thursday, February 8- Mass led by Kindergarten @ 9:15 am
- Friday, February 9- Assembly led by Grade 2 & 4
- Friday, February 9- Canella Hot Lunch (please bring cutlery)
- Friday, February 9- Two Stars and 1 Wish due back
- Monday, February 12- Yummy Pasta Hot Lunch (please bring cutlery)
- Tuesday, February 13- Valentine Colours Dress Down Day & Treats giveaways
- Wednesday, February 14- Ash Wednesday
- Wednesday, February 14- Ash Wednesday Mass led by Staff @ 11:00 am
- Thursday, February 15- No School (Catholic Educators Conference)
- Friday, February 16- No School (Catholic Educators Conference)
Please email us at kdossantos@stpaulschool.ca and mcarroll@stpaulschool.ca, or write us a note in your child’s agenda. Please be sure to check and initial your child’s agenda everyday. Please be sure to include both teachers in all email correspondence.
Mrs. Dos Santos & Ms. Carroll