Hi Grade One Families,
We made it through the first week of school! Woo! The students did a wonderful job in their first week of Grade One! So many “firsts” to navigate…lockers, buddies, Assembly, Mass, and changing for PE to name some of the highlights. We have loved getting to know your children so far and are looking forward to growing together this year!
Thank you so much for sending in the school supplies, birthday pictures, forms and more! It’s a busy start to the year and we truly appreciate all that you do.
We would like to thank Mr. John Ren for taking on the job of Grade One homeroom parent this year! He will be helping us with some preparation and organization of events throughout this school year. We will be reaching out for help from volunteers at various times this year and look forward to your support as we work together to have a wonderful Grade One year!
Please note the following for this week:
Word Study Unit: short vowel a
- last day to return the brown envelopes sent home on the first day of school
- Photo Day ~ please ensure your child is wearing their complete school uniform with appropriate school colours
- PE class ~ students will need to wear their PE strip underneath their uniform
- parent questionnaire due today
- French class with Mme. Caprili
- Word Study folder sent home
- Word Study assessment on Friday
- first Music class with Mr. Kelly
- PE class ~ students will need to wear their PE strip underneath their uniform
- 9:15am Mass ~ please make sure that your child is in full school uniform including their sweater
- French today
- First Word Study Assessment: short vowel a
- Word Study folder sent home on Monday
- Please return word study folders to school today (will be returned on Monday)
- PE class ~ students will need to wear their PE strip underneath their uniform
- Hot Lunch orders due today
- Hooray! You made it to the first full week of school
Looking Ahead:
- Meet the Teacher ~ Tuesday, Sept. 20
Please email us at kdossantos@stpaulschool.ca and cteodosio@stpaulschool.ca if you have any questions. Please be sure to include BOTH teachers in all email correspondence. Grade 1 agendas should be arriving soon, and this will be where all notices will be sent home in the future.
Have a great week ahead!
Mrs. Dos Santos & Mrs. Teodosio