St. Paul School acknowledges that the land on which we work, learn, and play is the traditional territory of the Coast Salish Peoples, 

including the territories of the xᵂməθkᵂəy̓əm (Musqueam), and Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) Nations.

Grade 3

April 8th ~ 12th

Hello Grade 3 Families!

Today we started to do the Science Fair videos that you will be seeing during the SLC. Our first group of students did an excellent presentation! By the end of next week, each team should have completed their presentation. The students have brought their skit scripts home in their zippered pouch.  Please have them memorize their lines for their skit(s), and practice their role(s) to continue to do their skit videos at the beginning of next week!

Next week the Grade 3 students will also be starting a 4-square written composition on their Spirit Animal to show you where they are in their written compositions during the SLC.

Once again, there will be no spelling words next week for the students to have time to do their presentations and work on their paragraphs.

Added to all of the other activities this coming week, the Grade 6s and 3s will be leading the first Easter assembly. Alleluia! He is Risen!

Here are the reminders for the week:

Monday ~ April 8th

  • No PE: Mr. Kelly will be absent
  • Triple’O Hot Lunch: please have your child bring their own utensils if needed

Tuesday ~ April 9th

  • French

Wednesday ~ April 10th

  • PE
  • Dismissal is at 2 pm

Thursday ~ April 11th

  • Mass at 9:15 am led by Grade 7~ you’re welcome to join us
  • Library: please have your child bring back their library books
  • Music

Friday ~ April 12th

  • Assembly led by Grade 6 & 3 students: you are welcome to join us
  • French
  • PE

Here is the link for the parents who would like to place Scholastic Book orders in the month of  April.

Please enter Teacher Code: RC143526 to place an order online. This allows Grade 3 to receive points to order new books and various items for the classroom.

If you have any questions or concerns throughout the school year, please make an appointment to see me or email me at

Have a wonderful week!

Ms. Boily