Hello Grade 3 Families!
I hope that you enjoy the long weekend and have a wonderful time celebrating the Pentecost on Sunday! In Grade 3 we talked about how the Pentecost was the beginning of our church, and how the 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit empowered the disciples!
I also hope that you enjoy celebrating Victoria Day on Monday !
This coming week the students will continue to work on the writing component and the visual images of their social studies project on indigenous peoples from around the world. Once this is done, they will start practicing their oral presentation with their group partners.
The Grade 3 students will be assessed on their ability to choose pertinent elements from their chosen category on their handout, highlighting them, then rephrasing the content to avoid plagiarizing (Social Studies), drawing images that support the written content (Visual Art), then making eye contact with their audience, their voice volume, proper enunciation, and prosody during their group presentation (LA: oral presentation).
Here are the reminders for the week:
Monday ~ May 20th
- Victoria Day: no school
Tuesday ~ May 21st
- 7:30 am ~ 8:15 am Track & Field long jump practice at Minoru Track
- French
- 3 pm ~ 4 pm Track & Field long distance practice at R.C. Palmer
Wednesday ~ May 22nd
- 7:30 am ~ 8:15 am Track & Field sprint & relays practice at Minoru Track
- PE
- Dismissal is at 2 pm
- 2 pm: Uniform Swap Meet
Thursday ~ May 23rd
- Mass at 9:15 am led by Grade 2 ~ you’re welcome to join us
- Music
- 3 pm ~ 4 pm Track & Field long distance practice at R.C. Palmer
Friday ~ May 24th
- 7:30 am ~ 8:15 am Track & Field sprint & relays practice at Minoru Track
- Assembly led by Grade 7 & K ~ you’re welcome to join us
- French
- PE
Here is the link for the parents who would like to place Scholastic Book orders in the month of May.
Please enter Teacher Code: RC143526 to place an order online. This allows Grade 3 to receive points to order new books and various items for the classroom.
If you have any questions or concerns throughout the school year, please make an appointment to see me or email me at mboily@stpaulschool.ca
Have a wonderful week!
Ms. Boily