Grade 4

  • Blog
  • Class Info

Thank you!

Dear Grade Four Families, One last blog post to thank you all for your kind, meaningful words and generosity during the last week of school! It was a special year learning and growing with this [...]

Last Week of School

Dear Grade 4 Families, Can you believe we’ve reached the final week of school? It’s been an incredible year filled with learning, growth, and great experiences. Thank you for your [...]

June 17 – 21

Dear Grade 4 Families, It’s hard to believe we’ve already arrived at the final full week of school. Tomorrow, we’ll celebrate with our year-end pizza lunch and step up day. In the [...]

June 10 – 14

Dear Grade 4 Families, Here are the updates for this week: Monday: Watermania permission forms sent home Yummy Pizza hot lunch serving PE Tuesday: PE French Wednesday: PE Thursday: Gr. 4 leading [...]

Canva Upload Instructions

Hi Grade 4 Families, Below are instructions on how your child can upload their videos for their French project to Canva. Please open the blog on your browser through the St. Paul School website if [...]

May 27 – 31

Dear Grade 4 Families, I hope you all had a lovely weekend! The Grade 4 students did an amazing job presenting their speeches. It was wonderful to hear their thoughtful insights on how Auggie felt at [...]

May 21 – 24

Dear Grade 4 Families, I hope you all had a lovely long weekend! Later this week, students will be presenting their speeches for Language Arts. I have encouraged them to practice their presentation [...]

May 13-17

Dear Grade 4 Families, The Grade Four class and their buddies did an exceptional job preparing for the Assembly on Friday, which honoured our blessed Mother Mary.  Last week, we finished reading [...]