Dear Grade Four Families,
On Friday, the students brought home their CSL progress reports. As I mentioned in class, they should be very proud of all the hard work they have accomplished and I look forward to continuing to support them throughout the rest of Grade 4.
On Friday we embarked on a captivating virtual field trip to Fort Langley, where our speaker shared many interesting insights into how the fur trade developed and expanded locally.
This Friday, Grade 4 & 2 will be leading the Assembly. It will be focusing on St. Valentine’s story and how we can love one another as God loves us.
A reminder that our Valentine’s dress down and treat exchange will happen on February 13th as February 14th is Ash Wednesday.
Here are the updates for this week:
- PE
- PE
- French
- Please send report card covers and envelopes back
- PE
- Library books due back
- 2pm dismissal
- School Mass at 9:15
- Music
- Assembly Gr. 4 & 2 @ 9:00am
- Please join us!
- Canella hot lunch serving
- French
Please email me at if you need to contact me at any time!
Miss Meyer