Grade 4

  • Blog
  • Class Info

October 16-20

Dear Grade Four Families, On Friday during Science, the students explored the parts of the eye in an experiment about what blind people see. Many brought their models of the eye home to share with [...]

October 9 – 13

Dear Grade Four Families, Wishing you and your families a very Happy Thanksgiving! On Friday we celebrated the Cross-Country season with our Garry Point Fun Run! The students did a wonderful job [...]

October 3 – 6

Dear Grade Four Families, Today is the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. This day honours the children who never returned home and survivors of residential schools, as well as their families [...]

September 25 – 29

Dear Grade Four Families, I am excited for another busy week of learning and ending with our annual fundraiser- the school Walkathon on Friday! Just a reminder that students are not to bring toys to [...]

September 18 – 22

Dear Grade Four Families, I hope you had a wonderful weekend! Last week, we had a busy week of learning and exploring new topics in Grade Four and Cross-Country began! Please enjoy some photos below. [...]

September 11 – 15

Dear Grade Four Families, It was a wonderful first week in Grade 4! I am starting to get to know each of the students, and I look forward to learning more about them as the weeks go by.  Here are [...]

Welcome to Grade 4!

Dear Grade Four Families, I hope you had a relaxing and enjoyable summer! I am looking forward to seeing the students tomorrow, September 5th. I am hopeful that Grade 4 will bring the students much [...]

Thank you!

Dear Grade Four Families, One last blog post to thank you all for your kind words and generosity on the last day of school! It was a special year learning and growing with this class. They are a [...]