Hello Grade Five Families!
I hope that you all had a wonderful weekend!
Thank-you to all of the parents who joined us for our field trip last week to the Britannia Heritage Shipyards National Historic Site. The students were able to begin their immigration unit with a great morning of hands-on learning which they are transferring to their work in the classroom. We are looking forward to sharing their learning with you during the Student-Led Conferences on April 19.
Please note the following for this week:
- library books due
- Triple O’s hot lunch for those who ordered
- PE class ~ PE strip is needed
- today the students will have their first D.A.R.E. class after recess
- PE class ~ PE strip is needed
- I will be away and Mr. MK will be teaching Grade 5
- please come to the school Mass at 9:15am in the Church
- I will be away and Mr. MK will be teaching Grade 5
- please come to the Assembly at 9:00am in the gym
- PE class ~ PE strip is needed
Please email me at nkelly@stpaulschool.ca if you have any questions, concerns or information to share.
Have a super week!
Mrs. Kelly