Hello Grade Five Families!
I hope that you all had a restful and fun Spring Break! Tomorrow we will get back into the routine of school and begin our last three months of Grade Five. As I prepare for this third “season” of the school year I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity to work with your children and the Grade Five families this year.
Today, Palm Sunday, is the beginning of the most holy week of our Church year. This week the students will take time to reflect on the Easter Triduum of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. I would strongly encourage all of the students to be on time for morning Mass on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. We invite all of the parents to join us both for 8:15am Masses and the Grade Seven’s presentation of the Last Supper at 10:45am on Holy Thursday. May this Holy Week be one of prayer, reflection and repentance for all of us as we continue to keep our Lenten promises for the last of these 40 days of Lent.
Please note the following information for this week:
- 8:15am Mass
- library books are due today
- PE class ~ PE strip is needed
- Triple O’s hot lunch for those who ordered
- 8:15am Mass
- 8:15am Mass
- Mite Boxes should be returned to school today
- Class and Team Photos will be taken today
- the students will have Music class instead of PE today
Thursday ~ Holy Thursday
- 10:45am ~ please join us for the Grade Seven’s presentation of the Last Supper in the gym
Friday ~ Good Friday
- there is no school today
Thank-you for your timely responses for our field trip on April 3. I will send out an email this week regarding parent drivers and supervisors.
Please email me at nkelly@stpaulschool.ca if you have any questions, concerns or information to share.
Wishing you all a very blessed Holy Week!
Mrs. Kelly