Hello Grade Five Families!
I hope that you all had a fun long weekend!
Yesterday was Pentecost Sunday ~ the birthday of the Church! With the coming of the Holy Spirit, the disciples were emboldened to go out and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. Let us pray that we too will be filled with the Holy Spirit so that we can live our faith everyday.
On Thursday, your child brought home an order form for the Grade Seven fundraiser. This year, the Grade Seven class is raising money for Canuck Place Children’s Hospice. If your child is ordering treats to eat at the Grade Seven fundraiser performance on Friday June 14 or a keychain, bookmark or raffle tickets, please send in the order form and money by Thursday May 23 in the same plastic baggie that it was in when it was brought home. Thank-you!
Also, please remember to send in either a bag of sugar or a jar of mayonnaise for the residents of Luke 15 House by May 24 as well. Thank-you to all of the families who have already sent in their donations!
Finally, please carefully check the schedule for track practices. It can be found on the PE blog. All students who would like to be considered for attending the CISVA track meet in June must attend these practices.
Please note these reminders for this week:
- no school ~ Victoria Day
- D.A.R.E. Program between recess and lunch
- PE class ~ PE strip is needed
- Uniform Swap Meet in the Parish Centre from 2-3pm.
- please join us for Mass at 9:15am
- Grade Seven fundraiser orders due
- donations for Luke 15 house due
- please join us for the Assembly at 9:00am in the gym
- PE class ~ PE strip is needed
Please email me at nkelly@stpaulschool.ca if you have any questions, concerns or information to share.
Have a wonderful week!
Mrs. Kelly