Hello Grade Five Families!
I hope that all of you had a wonderful weekend!
Please note the following information for this week:
- family immigration projects are due today ~ Canva presentations can be emailed to Mrs. Kelly if students would prefer to present from my laptop
- track forms are due today
- library books are due today
- PE class ~ PE strip is needed
- Yummy Pizza hot lunch for those who ordered
- D.A.R.E. program between recess and lunch
- PE class ~ PE strip is needed
- please join us for 9:15am Mass
- please join us for the Assembly at 9:00am ~ Grades 2 and 4 will lead us in the Crowning of Mary
- PE class ~ PE strip is needed
Please email me at nkelly@stpaulschool.ca if you have any questions, concerns or information to share.
Have a super week!
Mrs. Kelly