Grade 5

Week of October 23 – 27, 2023

Hello Grade Five Families!

It was wonderful to have the opportunity to meet with so many of you on Friday. Thank-you for sharing your questions and insights. I am looking forward to a blessed year of working together!

We wish the Grade Five girls’ volleyball team the best of luck tomorrow at their playoff tournament! If you would like to come out to support the team, they will be playing in the St. Paul gym from 12:00 – 3:00pm.

Please note the following for this week: 


  • please remind your child to return all of their library books to school today
  • there is no PE class today


  • I will be leaving at recess to coach the Grade 6 girls at their volleyball playoffs at St. Joseph the Worker School. Mr. Choy, a substitute teacher, will be teaching Grade 5 for the rest of the day.


  • last day to bring in White Spot hot lunch order forms by 9:00am
  • PE class ~ PE strip is needed
  • please join us in the gym at 1:00pm for the Walkathon Assembly


  • please join us for Mass at 9:15am in the Church

Friday ~ Professional Development Day

  • there is no school for students today

Please email me at if you have any questions, concerns or information to share.

Have a super week!

Mrs. Kelly 🙂