Grade 6

18th – 22nd December

Hello Grade 6 families,

We are coming up to the last week of this long term which we all survived!! Everyone in Grade 6 worked extremely hard and they should be really proud of their work this term. The last week is a busy one – please see the schedule.



  • Christmas play rehearsal


  • Christmas play – 1pm matinee and 6:45 pm evening show.


  • 2pm dismissal


  • School Mass – Grade 6 to lead


  • Assembly @9am – Grade 2 + 4 to lead
  • Dress down day – children can wear Christmas jumpers or Christmas colours.
  • Dismissal at noon – Merry Christmas 🙂

Thank you all for your support and cooperation this term. I wish you all a safe, healthy and happy Christmas.


Ms Hanafin