Hello Grade 6 Families,
It was wonderful having you come to the Student-Led Conferences to share in the successes of each student’s learning! The students have worked very hard on their various projects and I’m happy that they had the chance to share the fruits of their labour with their families. If you have any further questions to ask me or would like to set up a meeting to discuss your child’s learning, please feel free to send me an email.
Also, congratulations to all the Grade 6 students for doing so well in the CISVA badminton tournament! A big shoutout to some of our first place winners: Janice and Kayla for Girls Doubles, Samuel for Boys Singles, and Gwyneth and Samuel for Mixed Doubles! Amazing job Grade 6 Crusaders!
This Week:
- French
- P.E.
- P.E.
- French
- Dismissal at 2pm
- Mass at 9:15am – Grade 6s are leading!
- White Spot Hot Lunch
- Music/Library
- P.E.
If you have any questions, please email me at kvu@stpaulschool.ca.
Have a great week!
Ms. Vu