Grade 6

  • Blog
  • Class Info

June 14th – 18th

Dear Grade Six Families, Many thanks to our St. Paul families for your generosity during our Family Walkathon Fundraiser! As a school community we raised $67, 176.00 and the Grade 6’s brought [...]

June 7th – 11th

Dear Grade Six Families, The discovery of 215 bodies of children on the grounds of the former Kamloops Residential School certainly did make our hearts feel heavy as we had a discussion about this [...]

May 31st – June 4th

Dear Grade Six Families, Yesterday the students had an opportunity to wear their jeans for Jeans Day. Thank you for your support of this fundraiser as the money collected will go to support all of [...]

May 24th – 28th

Dear Grade Six Families, We are so grateful for this beautiful weather. It will definitely make your 10 km walk for our school Walkathon truly enjoyable. Please take a photo during your walk so that [...]

May 17th – 21st

Dear Grade Six Families, Our Grade 7 student, Justice Guno needs our prayers. He is currently in the ICU at BC Children’s Hospital after having suffered a sudden brain bleed which occurred on [...]

May 10th -14th

Dear Grade Six Families, We had a wonderful staff retreat yesterday with Terry Hershey. The theme was connecting us to the sacrament of the present moment. He wanted us to connect to things that [...]

May 3rd – 7th

Dear Grade Six Families, This week in Socials, we looked at 3 different types of poverty: absolute poverty, relative poverty, and generational poverty. The students also watched a video on third [...]

April 26th – 30th

Dear Grade Six Families, It was so nice to see you yesterday during Student-Led Conferences. It was an opportunity for your child to celebrate their learning and for them to be proud of all of their [...]