St. Paul School acknowledges that the land on which we work, learn, and play is the traditional territory of the Coast Salish Peoples, 

including the territories of the xᵂməθkᵂəy̓əm (Musqueam), and Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) Nations.

Grade 7

End of Week May 19th 2022

Hello everyone,

We are nearly at the end of May! Wow, time has really flown by.

There are many things coming up so please have a look below for some important events.


Grade 7/Kindergarten Assembly – Wednesday May 25th 2022

Along with their Kindergarten buddies, the Grade 7’s will be leading the school assembly this Wednesday May 25th at 1:15pm.  Parents are welcome!


Grade 7 Confirmation Retreat – Saturday May 28th 2022 (9am – 2:00pm) 

This coming Saturday, May 28th is the Grade 7 Confirmation Retreat led by the St. Paul Parish Life Teen leaders. The day will begin with registration in the Parish Centre between 8:45am and 9am. After registering, the students will head to the Church for Mass. The rest of the day will take place in the Parish Centre. Pick up is at 2pm. 


Sacrament of Confirmation – Thursday June 14th

The Grade 7’s will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday June 14th. Details with regards to the start time, arrival time for students/sponsors and end time will be sent out soon.

Please note that the letters to the Archbishop from the parents (you) and students are due this Wednesday May 25th. Please send these in with your child to give to me, thank you!


Grade 7 Fundraiser Variety Show Performance – “Leaving With A Big Bang!” Friday June 17th 2022

The Grade 7’s have been hard at work writing and rehearsing skits, practicing songs, creating artwork and taking snack orders for our annual Grade 7 Fundraiser variety show, which the students have aptly titled “Leaving With A Big Bang!”

The show will take place at 11:00am Friday June 17th. Parents are welcome to join us!

All proceeds raised will go to benefit Ukrainian refugees coming to Canada.


Grade 7 Farewell Evening – Tuesday June 21st 2022

By now you have likely read Ms. Moorehead’s email with specific details about the Grade 7 Farewell Evening and morning Mass on Tuesday June 21st. If you have not yet read it, please do so and let me know if you have any questions.


Have a wonderful week ahead!

-Mr. Kirkham