What an eventful week we have had!
Wednesday, the class had their first field trip in two years when we went to the Fraser River Discovery Centre for their river program: Taking the Pulse of the Fraser. The guiding question was “Is the Fraser River currently habitable for salmon?” This then sparked our engaging of the cycle of the scientific method wherein we tested a sample of the Fraser River against other acidic and basic liquids, as well as its turbidity (cloudiness) and temperature. The students were very engaged and this will help launch our use of the scientific method for our own testable questions in class. It should be noted that the FRDC also contacted us afterwords to let us know how great our students were with the way they participated, asked questions and demonstrated positive attitudes – right on!
Please see a few of the images below of our experience:

Determining pH balance of various liquid samples including the Fraser River.

Outside the Fraser River Discovery Centre with our guide, Danica. We took a sample from the river shortly after this intro.

Excavating items that have been found in the river: rail spikes, doorknobs, horsehoes and more!

Testing pH and turbidity – the scientific method in action!
Happy Hallo-word Search!
Grade 7 is responsible for the bulletin board by the south entrance to the school for the month of October. We created a spooky word search. See if you can spot the words!

Our Halloween bulletin board – can you spot the scary words?!
Bonne Fete, Mrs. Santa Ana!
Today (Friday) is Mrs. Santa Ana’s 50th birthday! She received a birthday blessing from Fr. Felix during his class visit, and was showered with gifts (mostly coffee related) from the teachers and our room parents who popped by, soundtrack in tow, to present a class gift. We wish for a blessed birthday for her and raise a glass (of juice) to 50 more years!

Happy Birthday, Mrs. Santa Ana!
Cool Runnings
Finally, today was the St. Paul/St. Joseph Garry Point Fun Run Endurance Challenge (in the running for longest event title in the CISVA). Not only did our Grade 7’s run themselves, accumulating many laps for the challenge against St. Joe’s, but they also stuck around to act as cheer motivators for the other classes that came throughout the day to take part in the challenge. Thank you to our students for their dedication and positivity!
Lastly, please bring in your walkathon pledge forms + monies by Wednesday October 13th.
Have a wonderful long weekend, and a Happy Thanksgiving! We will see you back at school on Tuesday.
-Mr. Kirkham