Hello, Grade 7 Parents!
It won’t be long before that title won’t apply to many of you anymore. But before your child moves on from St. Paul School there are still quite a few important events that are coming up to help make the end of the year a memorable one.
Friday June 7th – No School
Today the staff will have a professional development day. No classes today.
Friday June 14th – “The Final Chapter” Grade 7 Fundraiser
On Friday June 14th at 1pm in the gym, the Grade 7s will be presenting “The Final Chapter”, a variety show featuring the Rock Band, skits, funny videos, and prizes, for Grades K – 6 who will be enjoying their snacks purchased for this event. There will also be an Art Exhibit featuring art from our Grade Seven students in Rooms 1/2.
Parents are invited to attend!
All proceeds will be donated to Canuck Place, the first free-standing hospice in North America, is a non-profit organization which provides pediatric palliative care and many other services such as pain and symptom management, medical respite, education and art, music and recreation therapy, end-of-life care, and grief and bereavement counselling. All at no cost to families. The students voted on this choice.
Upcoming Assignments
Please note that this is a very busy time and while the students have been provided significant class time to complete assignments, many may need to complete some activities at home. Please remind your child of upcoming assignments that are due at various times next week:
-Original Short Story (Friday June 14)
-Scientific Inquiry (Wednesday June 12)
-Two art pieces for the Art show (Thursday June 13)
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Tuesday June 18th – Final School Mass + Passing of the Light
This will be our final school Mass of the year led by our Grade 7 students. At the end of Mass, we will have our school tradition, the “Passing of the Light” ceremony, in which our Grade Seven’s will pass on the torch as leaders of the school to our Grade Six students.
Tuesday June 18th – Farewell Dinner
We are looking forward to celebrating the Grade 7 Farewell with you on Tuesday June 18th. We are asking for your RSVP by Friday June 8th regarding names of guests.
Please see Ms. Griffin’s email for all pertinent details.
Thursday June 20th – Watermania Field Trip
Our annual Watermania field trip will be on Thursday June 20th for students in Grades 4-7. Grade 7 students will meet at @ 9:30am outside Watermania. Pickup time will be at 1:15pm from Watermania. A permission form went home today with the specific details, and it needs to be signed and returned by Friday June 14th.
Have a wonderful weekend!
-Mr. Kirkham