Grade 7

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News for April 30th – May 4th 2018

Hi everyone! Just a few important reminders and news updates for this week. Monday April 30th – Rock Band Practice will be at lunch. No practice on Tuesday morning. Tuesday May 1st – [...]

Last Supper Photos

Hello! In case you were unable to attend, here are a few pictures from the Grade 7 presentation of the Last Supper on Holy Thursday. Well done to the class for all their hard work! -Mr. Kirkham

Gr 7 Art Exhibition (In Photos)

Well done to the Grade 7’s on today’s Art Exhibition! Also, a big thank you to all the parents who were able to come see the exhibit 🙂 The students acted as ‘tour guides’ [...]

News for Monday February 26 – Friday March 2nd

Let it snow! Thank you for your flexibility today with our noon dismissal due to the snow. Here is the news for next week: Vancouver Art Gallery Field Trip – Monday February 26 Students must be [...]

Update for February 19 – 23

Hello Gr 7 Families, A few notes for next week. As we are now in Lent, we are encouraging students to attend Mass every morning at 8:15am. Next week, the Grade 7’s are in charge of the readings [...]

Grade 7 Update

Hello Grade 7 Families, Welcome to the new website! First off, this Friday will be the Grade 7 & 3 assembly. Please join us at 9am if you can. Next week, Thursday February 8th and Friday February [...]

Happy New Year! (January 8th – 12th 2018)

HAPPY NEW YEAR! First off, I would like to wish you all a blessed 2018! There is only 6 months to go (not that I’m counting…) – time flies! CATCHING UP Thank you for your generosity [...]

News for the week of December 18th – 22nd 2017

Hello Grade 7 Families! First off, thank you for putting together such a wonderful Advent party! The students all ate very well, had fun and realized they have a lot to learn about Christmas Carols! [...]