Grade 7

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Week of February 27 – March 3rd 2023

Hello Grade 7 Parents! With this weekend’s snowfall, we received a small taste of what is to come on Friday! Whistler Ski Trip This Friday, March 3rd, the Grade Sevens will go to [...]

Week of February 21st

Happy Family Day Weekend! I hope you have been able to spend some family time together over this weekend. Here are some upcoming important dates: Tuesday February 21st – Pink Shirt Day Tomorrow [...]

It’s February! (Almost)

Hello parents, Yes, we are just days away from the start of February. But why is that worth mentioning? Well, besides Valentine’s Day, Family Day and the Catholic Educators Conference (CEC) all [...]

Upcoming Events

Hi Grade 7 Parents, We are already halfway through January and some important dates to note are approaching. Grade 7 + Kindergarten Assembly – Wednesday January 18th @ 1:15pm We will lead the [...]

Happy New Year!

Happy 2023 everyone! I hope you all had a restful, relaxing Christmas break and you had wonderful celebrations with your family. Please accept my sincerest “thank you!” for the extremely [...]

Advent Begins!

Hello everyone, The Grade 7 girls were without the boys this past Thursday who were competing in their volleyball playoff. As you can see they put their artistic talents to work in creating many [...]

November 7 – 11 2022

Hello Parents, I hope that you have had an opportunity to review your child’s work on Google Classroom as part of her/his interim progress and that this was a productive process for both you [...]

Mid-October Update

Hello parents, We had an exciting week in Grade 7! On Thursday we had a special guest workshop with Arielle from the Fraser River Discovery Centre. The focus was exploring the positive and negative [...]