Grade 7

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Week of April 18 – 22nd

Happy Easter! Christ is risen, Alleluia! I hope you have had a blessed, joyful Easter weekend with your family. Last Supper Presentation On Holy Thursday, the Grade 7 class did a wonderful job [...]

Holy Week Update

Hello everyone, This past Friday, April 8th, we remembered Justice Guno at our morning Lenten Mass. It would have been his 14th birthday. Please continue to pray for the repose of the soul of [...]

April 1st Update

Hello Parents, Happy April Fool’s Day! Or as Mme. Caprilli would call it, “Poisson d’Avril”. We had a great, but busy first week back after Spring Break. With only three [...]

Update – February 28

Hello everyone, Each year, the Grade 7 class goes to the Vancouver Art Gallery as the launch of our Artist Inquiry (more on that at a later date). However, we were unable to attend in person this [...]

Monday February 14 – Friday February 18th 2022

Hi everyone, I was finally back to school this week after being off on a brief paternal leave to be home with my daughter, Phoebe. She is doing well, gaining weight and bringing us lots of joy and [...]

Week of January 17 – Friday January 20th 2022

Hello parents, I hope you had a blessed, healthy Christmas Season! Thank you for being flexible in supporting our later start to school after the Christmas break. Still no Kirkham Baby #3 yet, but if [...]

End of Week December 17th – Merry Christmas!

Hello parents, This is just a brief update before the Christmas break. First off, a huge thank you for all the lovely Christmas gifts and cards. I am genuinely humbled by your kindness and [...]

End of Week – December 6 – 10 + Looking Ahead to Dec 13 – 17

Hello parents, One week left of school before Christmas Break! Advent Party – Thank You! Thank you to Mrs. Plourde and Mrs. Lam, our wonderful Room Parents, who organized and facilitated the [...]