Grade 7

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Week Ending December 3rd & Info for Dec 6-10th

Hello parents, On Friday the Grade Seven’s and their Kindergarten buddies finished collaborating on their Advent wreaths (pictured above). You can see where the Kinder’s lent a helping [...]

End of Week November 26th 2021 – Looking Ahead to December

Hi Parents, December is nearly upon us! It is cliche, but it is true when we say, where does the time go?! Advent News This past week, the Grade 7 students led our school Mass in which Father Smith [...]

End of Week November 19th 2021

Hi Parents, Just a quick update… On Thursday, Constable Walker, our school liason RCMP officer came and gave a relevant, informative presentation on safe use of the internet. I encourage you to [...]

Remembrance Day and Long Weekend

Hi Parents, Today the Grade 7’s did a wonderful job leading the music, reading and audio/visual for the assembly. Thank you to all the students for their dedication to making this important day [...]

Walkathon Pizza Party Lunch – This Wednesday November 10th

Hi everyone, Just a quick update that, as the intermediate class who raised the most money for the 2021 Walkathon, the Grade 7’s will have their Pizza Lunch Party this Wednesday November 10th! [...]

Happy Belated Halloween! + Grade 7 Remembrance Day Assembly

Hello parents, We had a wonderful day of activities celebrating Halloween last week. I have been having issues uploading the photos from the day (hence the delay in this post). Thanks for your [...]

Thank You + Interims + Week of Oct 25th – 29th 2021

Hello Parents, I just wanted to say thank you for taking time out of your day to meet with me to discuss your child’s transition into Grade 7. It was nice to meet so many of you [...]

Looking ahead to Week of Oct 18 – 22

Hello Grade 7 Parents, This past week we began our FSA’s (Foundational Skill Assessments). This is a standardized assessment provided by the Ministry of Education to assess particular [...]