Hi Parents,
Today the Grade 7’s did a wonderful job leading the music, reading and audio/visual for the assembly. Thank you to all the students for their dedication to making this important day resonate with their fellow students!
A video of the event will be sent out soon.
Today we also learned about the many Richmond streets named after men who gave their life in the first two world wars. These street signs are adorned with poppies – the students recreated the street signs and the final product will include symbols from that individual’s life. The next time you are out and about in Richmond, perhaps you will drive by some of these streets and your child can tell you about them!
Tomorrow there is no school for Remembrance Day. The City of Richmond Remembrance Day event will be online this year – you are encouraged to tune in on the city of Richmond’s website.
Friday there is also no school for our professional development day.
The students are encouraged to complete their service hour activity for Prison Ministry – please see Google Classroom for more details.
Next week, the students will have an internet safety talk with Constable Walker of the Richmond RCMP on Thursday.
Next Friday, November 19th, there is no school for another teacher professional development day.
Have a wonderful long weekend.
Mr. Kirkham