Hello Parents,
I just wanted to say thank you for taking time out of your day to meet with me to discuss your child’s transition into Grade 7. It was nice to meet so many of you ‘officially’ for the first time! I found these learning conferences to be quite positive and productive and I sincerely hope this was also the case for you.
The next reporting item will be the first Interim Report of the year. There are a few important things to note in advance:
1. First off, please note that this will be a completely virtual experience in that there will be no paper copy sent to you. Instead, an email will be sent on Friday November 5th at 3pm. This email will include:
- a PDF with these curricular skills listed along with where on Google Classroom you will go to see this feedback and assessment of your child’s work.
- a PDF and video containing instructions for accessing your child’s Google Classroom. Ideally, you can go through the activities/assessments/feedback together with your child!The progress of your child will be communicated via the feedback and assessment I have completed on Google Classroom for assignments supporting curricular skills within:
- Christian Education
- Humanities (Language Arts, Social Studies)
- STEM (Mathematics, Science)
- Secondly, interims are designed to be a snapshot into the overall progress of your child using specific assignments and feedback, which will give you direct insight into how your child is progressing with his/her curricular skills. It is a formative update in that your child is still working on building these skills – it is NOT meant to be a summative report like those which your child receives in early February and at the end of June.
3. Please note that if you are planning to have your child apply to a high school that requests a ‘report card’ of some kind, please advise them we issue a paper progress report for all subject areas the first week in February and you can provide it then. This will NOT affect your child’s chances of being accepted to the school to which you are applying as they have other methods of determining this such as entrance exams, observations and personal interviews.
Should you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to ask me!
Week of Monday October 25 – Friday October 29
Confession – Tuesday October 26th @ 9:35am
- Confessions will take place in the Church with Fr. Felix and Fr. Smith. Please encourage your child to complete an examination of conscience the night before. It will be posted in the Christian Education classroom.
Photo Retake Day – Wednesday October 27th
- If your child is having retakes they must have their blue school sweater with them.
Halloween Dress Up – Friday October 29th
Students are encouraged to come in costume! Prizes for most creative costume…If they do not want to dress up, students are welcome to wear black and orange.
Pumpkin Carving – Friday October 29th
Lastly, we would like to carve pumpkins with the students, so please have the students come with the following:
- small-medium sized pumpkin (for getting it to and from school)
- kids carving tools (dollar store kind – no knives please!)
Have a wonderful week!
Mr. Kirkham