Hello Parents,
There are many important upcoming dates to take note/be reminded of:
Class Photo/School Panorama Photo
Tomorrow, Tuesday April 16th, will be the class photos. Students are required to wear their school sweater. They can wear their hoodie for the panorama photo.
Holy Thursday (Last Supper and Shadow Stations of the Cross presentations)
On Sunday, we began Holy Week with Palm Sunday, in which we heard the Passion of Jesus Christ according to Luke. We will hear parts of Luke’s Gospel this Thursday April 18th during the Last Supper presentation led by our Grade 7 students. The Grade 7’s will also lead us through the Stations of the Cross on Thursday. Here is the schedule if you wish to join us:
11:00am – Last Supper Presentation
2:00pm – Shadow Stations of the Cross
Both presentations will take place in the gym.
Good Friday and Easter Monday (No School)
Friday April 19th
Monday April 22nd
Confirmation Rehearsal
A friendly reminder that the Confirmation rehearsal will take place from 7pm-8pm on Tuesday April 23rd in the church. This is a mandatory rehearsal (if you have concerns about this, please contact me) for both students and their sponsors.
Another friendly reminder that Confirmation will take place in the church on Wednesday April 24th at 7:30pm.
Students should arrive between 6:30pm (no earlier) and 6:45pm (no later) to claim their robe in the Parish Centre, put it on, take photos, and then be ready for the class photo in the gym just after 7pm and then get lined up to go over to the church.
Student Led Conferences
Friday April 26th is the date for Student Led Conferences. Please see the handout that was sent home with your child today regarding registering online for a time slot between 8:00am and 6:00pm and other SLC related info. Please sign up for a spot at your earliest convenience.
There will be no classes that day; students will only attend with their parent(s) for their conference and then may go home afterwards.
Seminary of Christ the King & Queen of Peace Monastery Visits
On Wednesday May 8th the Grade 6 and 7 boys will travel by bus to the Seminary of Christ the King in Mission, BC to get an inside look at the day to day life of the seminarians and the beautiful grounds they are studying in on their road to the priesthood. Permissions forms have gone home already. Please have them back by Wednesday May 1st.
EDIT UPDATE: On TBA (due to bus shortage, the date will be switched), the Grade 6 and 7 girls will travel by bus to Squamish, BC to the Queen of Peace Monastery to get an inside look at the day to day lives of the Dominican Sisters who live, pray and work there. Permission forms for the girls will go home tomorrow and are due back by TBA.
It’s a busy time and just about 2 months to go!
Have a wonderful week!
Mr. Kirkham