Hello Grade 7 Parents!
Whistler Ski Trip
Tomorrow, Friday March 8th, the Grade Sevens will go to Whistler-Blackcomb for our annual ski trip. Here are some things to remember:
- Students must be at the school in the covered area at 6am sharp. Please do not be late.
- Dress very warm. It will be very cold on the mountain (definitely below zero!), so appropriate clothing is integral to your child having a great day.
- If you’re child is bringing their own equipment, ensure it is all labeled properly.
- Please pack your child a lunch in a waterproof backpack that can be worn throughout the day. The lunch should be easy to consume (sandwich/energy bars/thermos etc.) as it will be going up and down the mountain with them!
- We should be back at the school between 5:30pm-6:00pm for pickup.
- Please contact Mr. Kelly if you have any questions!
Vancouver Art Gallery
We had a great time at the Vancouver Art Gallery as we experienced the French Impressionist painters from 1850-1950. The exhibit continues to run throughout March, and is worth a second visit if you can! You have built-in tour guides now
Letters to the Archbishop + Confirmation Registration
Just a friendly reminder to hand in your letters (from yourself and your child) as well as the Confirmation registration forms at your convenience. Due dates & forms (for those who might need extra copies) are posted in Google Classroom.
Lenten Masses
The students are encouraged to attend daily morning Mass at 8:15am.
Grade Seven is in charge of the readings and gifts for the week of April 1-5th.
Daylight Savings
A friendly reminder that this Sunday we spring forward! Turn your clocks forward by one hour and enjoy trying to get your kids to bed at a reasonable hour!
Have a great Spring Break – March 15-31!