Hello Grade Seven Parents,
I hope you enjoyed the beautiful weather today.
We have some dates of note in February that you are likely already aware of, but here they are again!
Thursday February 8th – Class Confession
Examination of Conscience can be found on the Christian Education Classroom
Tuesday February 13th – Valentine’s Day Dress Down
Students are invited to dress in pink/white/red to celebrate Valentine’s Day. We are celebrating a day early as the next day is Ash Wednesday.
Wednesday February 14th – Ash Wednesday
Regular school day with Mass at 11:00am. Students will receive ashes on this day.
Thursday February 15th – Friday February 16th – Catholic Educator Conference (NO SCHOOL)
The annual CEC conference will take place over Thursday and Friday of this week and so there is no school that day.
Monday February 19th – Family Day (No School)
Tuesday February 20th – Weekday Morning Lenten Masses Begin (Grade 7’s to lead)
Beginning this day, our annual St. Paul tradition of attending daily morning Lenten Masses begins. Masses are Monday – Friday at 8:15am. Grade 7’s will be in charge of readings Feb 20 – 23 and March 4th. Students are strongly encouraged to attend these Masses. Students that arrive at 8:30am will be brought into the church.
Friday March 1st – Whistler Ski Trip
In just over three weeks we will be heading to Blackcomb/Whistler Mountain for the annual Grade 7 Ski Trip. Thank you to those who have brought in their payment and permission forms. Forms are due by Monday February 12th, but Mr. Kelly would be extra happy if he got them by Friday
Wednesday March 6th – Vancouver Art Gallery Field Trip
We will be going to the Vancouver Art Gallery on Wednesday March 6th. Permission forms have gone home today. These are due back by February 28th.
Have a wonderful rest of your week!
-Mr. Kirkham