Happy Family Day Weekend!
I hope you have been able to spend some family time together over this weekend.
Here are some upcoming important dates:
Tuesday February 21st – Pink Shirt Day
Tomorrow students are asked to wear a pink shirt to show their support for anti-bullying day. No donation required. Through the Open Parachute Program, we have explored what bullying is, who it impacts and how we can work to prevent it.
Wednesday February 22nd – Ash Wednesday (Lent Begins!)
On Wednesday, the staff will lead the school Ash Wednesday Mass at 9:15am. If you are available, please join us!
Ash Wednesday marks the first day of the season of Lent in which we spend the next 40 days preparing for Eastertide by focusing on repentance, fasting, and spiritual discipline. If you look at the calendar you may realize that there are more than 40 days between Ash Wednesday, but that is because Sundays are not included in the count!
Traditionally, Catholics ages 13 and over are expected to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and every Friday as part of the development of our spiritual discipline to experience a small example of sacrifice. Another aspect of this tradition of spiritual discipline is that we all “give up” something during this time. Lastly, we will be sending home Lenten Mite Boxes in which students can fill these with extra change they have which will all be donated to seminarians. Thank you for supporting your child in their Lenten sacrifices!
Lenten Daily Masses Begin Thursday February 23rd
Beginning this Thursday February 23rd, we will begin our attendance of daily morning Masses.
Masses begin at 8:15am and students are strongly encouraged to attend.
Grade 7 is responsible for the readings for the following Masses: Thursday February 23, Friday February 24, and then Monday April 3rd, Tuesday April 4 and Wednesday April 5.
We will take a break from these Masses during Spring Break, but there will still be daily Masses then if you wanted to continue attending!
Friday March 3rd – Whistler Ski Trip
For the first time in 3 years we will be having our Grade 7 Whistler Ski Trip!
If your child has not brought his/her forms + payment, please send them in tomorrow.
On the day of the ski trip, we ask that you have your child there at 6am sharp. Yes, you read that correctly, 6am. Pickup will be between 5:30pm and 6:00pm depending on traffic. We will contact the school on our ride home and then they will then email you and let you know what our ETA will be. We thank you for being on time for both drop-off and pickup.
Students should bring their own lunch in a small day pack that can be worn while skiing.
Please direct any questions about the specifics of skiing to Mr. Kelly.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Mr. Kirkham