Hi parents,
We had a great morning on what is the final St. Paul Walkathon for the Grade 7 Class of 2023 this past Friday.
Thank you to all the parents who joined us! Please send in the pledge forms with payment with your child by October 10.
Truth and Reconciliation Day
This past Saturday, September 30th we honoured our Indigenous brothers and sisters who are survivors of Indian Residential Schools. Whether it was reading a book by an Indigenous author, walking in a park or forest and discussing with your children what unceded land means or praying as a family for the Holy Spirit to guide our path towards truth, healing and reconciliation with the Indigenous people so that we can move forward together, I hope you were able to find time over the weekend to discuss this topic as a family.
CISVA Cross Country Finals – Wednesday October 4th
Best of luck to our class finalists who will be competing at Swanguard tomorrow!
Confession – Thursday October 5th
We will have our first class confession on Thursday at 10:30am. Please review the examination of conscience posted in the Christian Education classroom ahead this day.
Garry Point Fun Run – Friday October 6th
Please arrange to have your child picked up at 12:40pm on Friday October 7th to be taken to Garry Point for our annual Fun Run with St. Joseph the Worker. The Grade Seven class will not only have runners in the event but will also be assisting with the event, so all grade sevens will attend and will be dismissed from Garry Point just before 3pm.
Please check the PE Blog for more details
Thanksgiving – Monday October 9th (No School)
This year, Thanksgiving Day is Monday October 9th.
Foundational Skill Assessment (FSA)
Lastly, the Grade 7 class will be completing the Foundational Skill Assessment (FSA) as mandated by the Ministry of Education. These assessments will be administered during the month of October.
Enjoy your weekend and see you Monday!
-Mr. Kirkham