This week, we learned all about Holy Week and the events leading up to Easter. The children enjoyed discussing the sequence of events that took place during Holy Week and were excited to watch their Grade Seven buddies re-enact the Last Supper this morning as well as attend the Stations of the Cross service this afternoon. They were able to make meaningful connections between what they were seeing with what they were learning in class! They also made Holy Week crosses which are now displayed in their cubbies as a reminder of Jesus’ love and the sacrifices He has made for us. We wish you all a blessed Easter Weekend!
Our Featured Image:
Here is a photo from our Nature Walk to Rideau Neighbourhood Park! On our way we noticed lots of signs of spring and met lots of community helpers!
This week at a glance:
Letter of the Week: Ll
Student of the week: Marciano
Show & Tell Theme: Something I made
Easter Monday- No School
Show & Tell: Andres
- PE with Mr. Kelly
- Kindergarten’s Easter Celebration
- Your child may bring Easter cards or treats for their classmates. If your child plans on sharing treats with the class, please be sure they are nut-free and individually wrapped.
Show & Tell: Theodore
- PE with Mr. Kelly
- Dismissal @ 2:00
Show & Tell: Joyce
- Kinder Mass @ 9:15, please join us!
- French with Madame
Show & Tell: Kaleb
- Music with Mr. Kelly
- Hot Lunch- Fukuroku (please bring cutlery)
- Please continue 10 to 15 minutes of home reading (please use “My Reading” book, “My Read Well” book, Epic Books, library books, or books from home)
- Open Parachute– Please continue to ask your child about what they learned during SEL. You can access the OpenParachute Parent Resources here
Friendly Reminders:
- Scholastic Reading Club– The March Catalogue can be viewed online here. Reminder it is optional to order, but if you do please enter Kindergarten’s class code RC318627 at checkout so that we can receive rewards for our classroom! Thank you in advance for your support.
- Registration for Student Led Conferences begin on Saturday April 15th.
Upcoming Dates:
- Monday, April 17th- Yummy Pizza Hot Lunch (for those who ordered)
- Tuesday, April 18th- Assembly led by Grades 6 & 3 – all are welcome
- Thursday, April 20th- Mass led by Grade 1 @ 9:15 am
- Friday, April 21st- Student-Led Conferences – No Classes
- Thursday, April 27th- White Spot Hot Lunch (for those who ordered)
- Thursday, April 27th- Mass led by Grade 6 @ 9:15 am
Please let us know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns!
Miss Guevara & Miss Maye