St. Paul School acknowledges that the land on which we work, learn, and play is the traditional territory of the Coast Salish Peoples, 

including the territories of the xᵂməθkᵂəy̓əm (Musqueam), and Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) Nations.


April 4-8

Kindergarten had a wonderful first week back! The children were very excited to be reunited with their friends and to share what they did over Spring Break. They were even able to identify signs of Spring during our Nature Walk as they felt the warmer temperature, heard birds singing, and saw cherry blossoms beginning to bloom!

This Week at a Glance:

Letter of the week: B

Shapes of the week: Square and Rectangle

Student of the week: Micah

Show & Tell Theme: My Favourite Book


Show & Tell: Ella

  • Lenten School Mass @ 8:15 ~ please join us!
  • PE today
  • French today
  • Library today ~ please return any library books that were not yet brought back as the children will be bringing home a new book today


Show & Tell: Micah

  • Lenten School Mass @ 8:15 ~ please join us!
  • PE today
  • Nature Walk today


Show & Tell: Chloe

  • Lenten School Mass @ 8:15 ~ please join us!
  • PE today
  • Early Dismissal @ 2:00


Show & Tell: Ynna

  • Lenten School Mass @ 8:15 ~ please join us!
  • White Spot Hot Lunch (for those who ordered)
    • Please bring your own cutlery!
  • French today


Show & Tell: Kira

  • Lenten School Mass @ 8:15 ~ please join us!
  • Music today


  1. 10 to 15 minutes of home reading (please use “My Reading” book, “My Read Well” book, online reading programs, library books, or books from home)
  2. Lent Calendar- If you haven’t already done so, please return your child’s Lent sheet to school on Monday so that they can continue to colour in a box for each day of Lent, in class!
  3. My Read Well” book– Please review the letter of the week and use the “Parent Prompt” questions (found on the bottom of the page) with your child.
    • If you notice that your child has not finished the back of their Letter Record page in class, please brainstorm with them three words that begin with that letter. Then, have them write down the three words on the dotted lines and draw their corresponding pictures in the blank box.

Friendly Reminders:

  1. Homework folders– These will continue to be sent home every day. Please check the folders daily and send them back to school every day as your child is expected to hand them in each morning.
  2. Lenten School Mass – Reminder that Morning Mass begins at 8:15 am. Please continue to do your best to attend!
  3. Quiet Time Blankets–We had sent the children’s blankets/towels home to be washed over the break. If you haven’t already done so, please send them back with your child to use during our Quiet Time.
  4. Toys – Just a friendly reminder that unless it is your child’s show and tell, please be sure to keep toys at home, so that they don’t get lost or broken at school.

Upcoming Dates:

  1. Monday, April 11th– Nova Hot Lunch (for those who ordered)
  2. Wednesday, April 13th- School Assembly (Grade 4 and 1 to lead)
  3. Thursday, April 14th- Holy Thursday
  4. Friday, April 15th- Good Friday (No School)

Please let us know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.

With love,

Miss Wu & Miss Guevara &