
June 12th-16th

Hi Kinder families,

Last week, we celebrated Miss Guevara’s Birthday with a lovely ice cream sandwich party under the sun!  Olivia’s mom also visited this week, and taught how she helps the community as an Occupational Therapist! This week, we look forward to the Grade 7 Fundraiser and our Father’s Day Celebration!

Our Featured Image 

Here is a photo from another Community Helper visit, a recycling truck! Thank you to St. Paul parent, Mr. Mallari and Sierra Waste Management Community Helper, Mike for the visit!

This week at a glance: 

Show & Tell: My favourite game 


Show & Tell: Kaleb

  • Yummy Pizza Hot Lunch – for those who ordered
  • PE with Mr. Kelly
  • Library book are due today
  • French with Madame Caprilli


Show & Tell: Evan L.  

  • PE with Mr. Kelly


Show & Tell: Jordan 

  • PE with Mr. Kelly
  • Assembly led by Grades 6 & 3 – all are welcome!
  • Dismissal @ 2:00


Show & Tell: Ashley 

  • Mass led by Grade 2  @ 9:15 am – all are welcome!
  • Gr. 7 Fundraiser in the gym @ 1 pm – all are welcome!


Show & Tell: Jerome 

  • Music with Mr. Kelly
  • Father’s Day Celebration in Kinder @ 1:45 – 3:00 pm


  1. Please continue 10 to 15 minutes of home reading (please use “My Reading” book, “My Read Well” book, Epic Books, library books, or books from home)
  2. SplashLearn– Students are welcome, but not required, to practice their Math skills on the SplashLearn app. Please let us know if you need the class login information.
  3. Open ParachutePlease continue to ask your child about what they learned during SEL. You can access the OpenParachute Parent Resources here 
  4. Genius Hour- Please watch out for information about Step 3: Create coming home this week!
  5. Father’s Day Celebration- Fathers: Please look out for an email regarding teams for the soccer match and feel free to bring a mug to use for refreshing iced tea. Mothers: Please make (or buy 😄) a dish to share for the celebration and send it in on the day!

Friendly Reminders:

  1. Scholastic Reading Club– The May/June Catalogue can be viewed online here. Reminder it is optional to order, but if you do please enter Kindergarten’s class code RC318627 at checkout so that we can receive rewards for our classroom! Thank you in advance for your support.
  2. Summer Camp- There are still places available for the Reading and Writing Rock Stars summer camp! The camp will be in school from July 10th – 14th and will be led by Ms. Maye and Ms. Wu! If you are interested please send an email to .
  3. Sunny Day Ready – We have had such beautiful, sunny days lately, so we ask that you remember to send any protective gear your child may need! Hats and sunblock are welcome! As with everything else that gets sent to school, please ensure it is clearly labelled.

Upcoming Dates:

  1. Friday, June 23rd-Parent Appreciation Breakfast
  2. Friday, June 23rd-Fun Day – Early Dismissal @ 12:30 pm
  3. Monday, June 26th-Primary Picnic
  4. Wednesday, June 28th-Last Day before Summer Break – Early Dismissal

Please let us know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns!


Miss Guevara & Miss Maye