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June 20-24

This week, Kindergarten presented their Genius Hour projects to the class! Each child discussed what they created and shared something new that they learned about their chosen topic. The students [...]

June 13-17

This week, Kindergarten continued their Plant inquiry and learned about the different parts of a flower! The students were able to connect what they were learning in class to what they were noticing [...]

June 6-10

This week, Kindergarten had a lovely visitor stop by. They got to meet Mrs. Tinson, the 94 year old woman who sewed their gym bags! She told the students about her connection to the St. Paul’s [...]

May 30-June 3

This week, Kindergarten learned more about the life cycle of a plant. They have also been taking extra good care of their Kinder-Garden! Some children chose to grow beans, while others decided to [...]

May 23-27

This week, Kindergarten concluded their  Recycling unit by going on a field trip to the Recycling Depot! A few weeks ago, the children got the opportunity to see how recycling collection works, by [...]

May 16-20

This week, Kindergarten did a wonderful job leading the school Mass! Miss Guevara and I were pleased to see how reverent the children were at church. We were also very impressed with their reading, [...]

May 9-13

This week, Kindergarten learned that we honour Mother Mary in the month of May and have been doing a great job at reciting the Hail Mary each morning to show her how much they love her. We also [...]

May 2-6

This week, the children continued learning about different ways they can take care of the Earth! They did a great job brainstorming how they can make the Earth happy and recognized ways people can [...]