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[Reminder] gr. 5, 6, & 7’s practice logs due next Tuesday, April 30

This is just a reminder for gr. 5, 6, and 7 students to bring their April practice logs next Tuesday, April 30th. Thanks.   Mr. Yang

Gr. 7 music quiz on Tue. Mar. 12th

Things that you have to know for this quiz: -Be able to draw the clef of your instrument (i.e. treble clef for most of you, bass clef for trombones and bass guitars, and percussion clef for [...]

[Reminder]Gr. 5, 6, & 7 February practice logs due Tue. Feb. 26th

Gr. 5~7 practice logs are due this coming Tuesday (Feb. 26th). Please have them bring it to the music class. March practice logs will be handed out then. I will not require them to practice over the [...]

gr. 5, 6, & 7’s instrument practice logs sent home today

Hello, Gr. 5’s, 6’s, and 7’s instrument practice logs have been sent home today. I would like to just copy and paste the instruction again for easy viewing for parents below in [...]

Open rehearsal at Richmond Delta Youth Orchestra (Jan. 19th)

Open Rehearsal with RDYO Richmond Delta Youth Orchestra is holding open rehearsal sessions for those who are interested in. Feel free to check it out!

gr. 6’s & 7’s band instrument video links [updated Jan. 15 from wrong video clips previously]

I updated on the videos for the clarinets, alto saxophones, trumpets, trombones, and baritones. Flute Clarinet Alto Saxophone Trumpet   Trombone Baritone Watch up to 3:00 out of 8:13 for the [...]

gr. 6’s and 7’s bring your ear buds, ear phones, or head phones to this Thursday’s music

I would like to ask gr. 6’s and 7’s to bring their ear buds, ear phones, or head phones to this Thursday’s music class (Jan. 10th). If you do not have one, please do not buy one. [...]

Choral Composition Contest from Vancouver Chamber Choir

I have announced this choral composition contest hosted by Vancouver Chamber Choir earlier last month to gr. 5-7 classes. Any student of age 8 or older are welcomed to try it out. If interested, [...]