St. Paul School acknowledges that the land on which we work, learn, and play is the traditional territory of the Coast Salish Peoples, 

including the territories of the xᵂməθkᵂəy̓əm (Musqueam), and Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) Nations.


Extra Curricular Volleyball and Cross Country Running

Hi Everyone:

We are very excited to return to our regular participation in CISVA sponsored leagues and events. Volleyball consent forms have been sent home with all students in Gr. 5-7 in preparation for next week’s practices.  Tournament dates and games will be announced shortly.  The practice schedule will be slightly modified next week because of  Gr. 7 Outdoor Education.  All weekly events and activities will be posted to the PE blog on Thursday or Friday of the preceding week.

Cross country consent forms have gone home with all students in Gr. 3-7 and will go home with the Gr. 2 class tomorrow.  All students in Gr. 2-7 will participate in our Garry Pt. Fun Run and Endurance Challenge  on Friday October 7, 2022 and therefore must submit a consent form to their classroom teacher.  We will also have a Cross Country Running team for Gr. 3-7 that will train on Mondays from 3:00 – 3:45 pm and on Wednesday mornings from 7:45 – 8:30 am.  Students that join the team should have a keen interest in running and be prepared to train hard to compete in the CISVA Cross Country Championships on Wednesday October 5, 2022 @ Swangard Stadium in Burnaby.  Each class from Gr. 3-7 will be represented at this event by the top 3 boys and the top 3 girls in their respective grades.  There will be opportunities for Gr. 7 students to once again volunteer to assist with the practices that will be held in the large fields behind Palmer High School.  Parents are also welcome to attend Cross Country practices to assist with student supervision.  The Cross Country team coaches are Ms. Wu, Ms. Meyer, and Ms. Maye.

Electronic copies of both consent forms are attached for your convenience.  Consent forms are due no later than Monday September 12, 2022.


Mr. K

Consent Volleyball47 KB
Consent XCountry49 KB