From the Principal
St. Paul School COVID-19 Safety Plan
Hello St. Paul Families, As we excitedly anticipate opening our doors again for students who have opted for in-person learning on June 1st, I’d like to draw your attention to the St. Paul School COVID-19 Safety Plan that has been developed to address health and safety measures in the school. Keeping our students and staff […]
Deep Gratitude and Appreciation
Dear Parents, While we anticipate further announcements from the Ministry of Education as to what learning will look like for the remainder of the year, I want to take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude and appreciation to the various groups of our school community. To the staff: for your relentless dedication to your […]
Parenting in a Pandemic – What matters most? With Dr. Deborah MacNamara
Dear Parents, I hope that you are all continuing to do well as we make our way through this journey together. No doubt there have been trying times for all of us when it comes to helping to support our children through this pandemic, trying our best to address their questions and concerns in a […]
Everybody Loves a Parade!
Dear Parents, Everybody loves a parade, right?? So we have decided to have a car parade at school! (With physical distancing and all other health measures in place, of course). This Friday, May 1st, (**rescheduled from the original date of Wed. April 29th**) we invite all families to jump in your cars and come see […]
A different kind of Easter Triduum…
Dear Parents, For the last 24 years I have spent Holy Week deeply involved in school activities surrounding Palm Sunday, the Last Supper, and the Stations of the Cross, all in preparation for the most blessed and joyous day of our liturgical calendar – Easter Sunday. Not being able to share in these days with […]
Holy Week
Dear St. Paul Families, The Lenten Season started on Ash Wednesday with all of our students receiving their ashes. As the season comes closer to its end, we should be discussing with our children at home the upcoming very important days of the Easter Triduum – Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Holy Week is upon […]
Dear Parents, Looking ahead to the student resource pick up tomorrow, I had a good chuckle when one parent compared the pickup process to Seinfeld’s “Soup Nazi” ordering line. It is, in fact, an excellent analogy, and if mistakes are made tomorrow morning I’ll try not to yell “NO PACKAGE FOR YOU!” I will, however, […]
Preliminary Info Regarding Child Care for Essential Service Workers – March 31, 2020
Dear St. Paul Families, Thank you once again for your patience as we get up and running. We will be mindful of not overwhelming you with emails and other forms of communication, but please know that there is a great deal of information to communicate and collect during these upstart days. This email is in […]