It is with tremendous pride that I write this blog post to thank you for your efforts in our Walkathon fundraising this year. We put out the call, and you certainly answered!
I excitedly share with you that our Walkathon total for this year is a whopping $76,059.55! That is an increase of $11,531 over last year.
Equally impressive is the balance of funds brought in by each class, with each class bringing in between $8000 and $10,000. So close, in fact, that we had two winners in both primary and intermediate for the pizza parties, with a $20 difference in funds raised for the top two intermediate classes (Gr. 6 & 7), and a $71 difference between the top two primary classes (Gr. 2 & 3).
These funds will launch us forward as we begin the process for seismic upgrading of the school building. The future of St. Paul School thanks you!
I can never say it enough – I am forever grateful to be a part of this incredibly vibrant, faith-filled, supportive community.
With overwhelming thanks for all you do,
Maureen Moorehead.